GAD Project: Game creation in augmented reality enhancing professional digital skills

The GAD Game Goal

GAD App aims to develop educatorsdigital competences (especially those engaged in life-long learning), increase self-efficacy and the ability to create digital learning environments and educational products suitable to face the new training challenges – also due to the pandemic emergency.

Augmented Reality FOR lEARNING

GAD Game is a digital learning game based on augmented reality that will be developed also through the active contribution of teachers. By playing they will improve their digital skills, understand the game logic and learn how to use it.

Our APP is Ready!

The GAD App is based on the psychological and educational value of gamification. It uses a digital game to increase studentsmotivation to learn. By mixing gamification and digital learning it aims to foster users’ interest and engagement to make them change their behaviour.


In this part of our website you will be able to find statements and findings from our GAD Training Sessions!

The target group of this activity are teachers/tutors/educators that will have an active role in the prototyping of the Game as an educational tool. After the development of the Game, the testing phase will be carried out and will involve students and teachers.

Key Elements of THE GAD Methodology

The GAD Platform and Game offer tools with high transferability potential, as they can be easily used by teachers/ tutors/ educators.

Different activities to promote the tool will be carried out at the end of the project by the partners.

Through the platform it is possible to develop different types of open source educational content, according to the studentsneeds.

Through learning by doing, educators and trainers work on the development of several digcomps (levels 2,3,5,6 DigCompEdu) and are supported in creating their educational content and tailoring it to their specific needs/approaches

The GAD project is made to reach the following DigCompEdu competences

developing, integrating and re-elaborating digital content + developing digital effective learning modes

actively involving students in shping the learning process

using digital technologies in a responsible way +  problem solving

Get connected!


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects only the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Partners


Paidea’s goal is to innovate the world of education using original and active methodologies.


DAFNI KEK is a grass roots organisation and a team of people who strive for change, active engagement and intersectionality for a society that is equal and representative for through adult education research and practice.


The Universitat de València’s mission is to train competent professionals and to encourage prestigious research with international implications that will contribute to the development of our society.